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We Talk About Bookshops, Authors and Our Goals in The Bookish Bucket List Tag

Hello friends! I was tagged by the wonderful Marie and Nyx @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books in The Bookish Bucket List tag; thank you so much! I properly struggled with the questions related to writing, so Sabrina was kind enough to jump in and save me from the embarrassment of having to publish this tag with multiple answers missing.

The tag was created by Maddison’s Inkwell, and even though we’re not tagging anyone in particular, everyone interested should consider themselves tagged!

1. What books or series that intimidate you (because of length, density, subject) would feel like an accomplishment to finish?

VERA: I’ve heard incredible things about The Count of Monte Christo, but my god, its length is constantly making me reconsider my choice to add it to my wishlist. It’s nearly 1500 pages long in some editions. 😱 On top of this, there are some people who’ve been less than impressed, so if I’m being honest, I might never get around to this.

SABRINA: The first book that comes to mind is The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. It’s page count is around a thousand and there are two more books in the series, so I am very hesitant to pick it up. It’s also historical fiction, and I have a love-hate relationship with that genre.

2. What author would you like to coauthor a book with?

VERA: Ah, this is a hard one! Perhaps Gillian Flynn, because she has written some truly twisted novels, and even though I’m not a writer, if I were a writer, that would 1000% be my brand.

SABRINA: I agree with Vera – this is a really difficult question! Although, it’s possible it’s just because I’m taking it too seriously. It’s no secret that I admire Laini Taylor‘s books, especially her writing. One of my goals in life is to get on her skill level, so I guess that is my answer!

3. If you could interview any author for your blog, who would it be? What’s one question you would ask?

VERA: Call me predictable, but I cannot choose anyone but Nalini Singh for this question. I love Psy-Changeling, and I’m so curious to know the answer to the following question: does she have a favorite character, or couple?

SABRINA: I would really like to interview Suzanne Collins at the moment because I have so many questions about the prequel to The Hunger Games that’s being released soon. It would be awesome to ask her what the new book adds to the story of the THG trilogy.

4. As a writer, what genre is out of your comfort zone that you’d like to conquer someday and write within?

SABRINA: Honestly, I am still in a place where all genres are out of my comfort zone when it comes to writing 😅 However, the genre that is most outside of it that I still would love to write is a spooky mystery thriller.

5. What specific edition of a book would you like to own someday? It could be rare, a first edition, an anniversary edition, signed, or one with a cover special to you, etc.

VERA: I’m pretty sure all, or most of Dickens’ iconic novels have a Penguin Classics edition, and oh my, these editions are so damn gorgeous! I’d love to collect them all, but they’re out of my price range, sadly.

SABRINA: I found out about this book too late to buy it, but it is much more than I could afford anyway so I don’t think it would have mattered. I’m talking about Faeries of the Faultlines by Iris Compiet – an art book that features the fae and stories about them. The cover doesn’t do what I have seen of the book justice, because the artwork is fantastically beautiful. If you are interested in seeing some of it, you should check out the author’s website!

6. Are there any books or bookish items that you’d like to collect?

VERA: Not really? With the exception of bookmarks, I don’t collect any bookish items, mostly because they tend to serve decorative purposes, and I like my bookshelf decoration to be pig-themed, not book themed. 🐷

SABRINA: I sort of already collect bookmarks – but that is more incidental than intentional! With my limited budget, I am happy at the moment to spend my money on the books themselves rather than anything else. However, if money wasn’t an issue, I could definitely see myself purchasing all the book related candles I could get my hands on.

7. Name one bookish place you’d like to visit. (Not somewhere you’d like to visit because of a book and not a fictional place within a book. A library, bookstore, etc.)

source: independent.co.uk
source: wikipedia

VERA: At this point, I’d kill to visit any bookish (or other) place, because quarantine has been kicking my butt. 😅 But jokes aside, I think Persephone Books is one of the most aesthetically pleasing shops, and I love their goal of publishing novels by little known classical female authors. If you want to learn more about the shop, I suggest reading this article.

SABRINA: So, whilst I have technically visited the State Library of Victoria before, I didn’t truly explore it. That’s something I would love to do sometime in the near future. Also, something I actually learnt from a post the previous incarnation of this blog – The Regal Critiques – is that the library is believed to be haunted! I would love to see those glowing lights on the stairs 🤗

8. Name one bookish event you’d like to attend. (A festival, a signing, a book fair, etc.)

VERA: For the longest time, I was dying to go to BEA and/or BookCon, but I’ve lost interest in both. 😅 I’d much rather spend my money on going to a county I’m truly interested in, and perhaps hitting up some bookshops there.

SABRINA: I hate crowds, and I hate rushing around trying to get too many things done in a short amount of time. The mere thought of trying to beat a crowd of people to a queue in order to get an ARC or a signature, for example, makes me feel so stressed. I’ve even gone to a couple of events/signings in the past, and I don’t think I would do it again at this point – it’s all just too much 😂

9. Your WIP is getting published and designing the cover is solely up to you. What does it look like?

SABRINA: Fun fact, I used to publish short stories on a website called Polyvore, and I actually put a few on Wattpad too. 🤫 So, I have made my own covers before, but they definitely look like digital covers + they are probably made up of copyrighted images, so I’m not going to include them here. What I will include (thank you to Vera for the suggestion) are existing covers that I would like something similar to for my WIP! I would love something with a pretty pattern and shiny gold accents, or even just an image of a forest landscape. Here’s some examples to give you an idea.

10. What’s one thing you’d like to accomplish within the bookish world? As a writer, reader, blogger, whatever you want.

VERA: As a blogger, I would like to (1) keep making content I’m proud of, and (2) keep growing our blog. As a reader, it would be pretty neat if my tbr, particularly my physical tbr, would be smaller. Currently, I own more than 100 unread book, not counting my digital library. 🙈

SABRINA: I think the biggest thing that I want to accomplish is actually finishing a writing project – even if it’s just a draft. I’ve never stuck with any of my would-be novels long enough to get them completed and I really, really want to do that.

Let’s chat!

What would your answers be to these questions? We’re especially curious about #10 – as a blogger, reader, writer, what are your goals? Also, what bookish place would you love to visit?

21 thoughts on “We Talk About Bookshops, Authors and Our Goals in The Bookish Bucket List Tag

  1. These are some great questions! I agree that Laini Taylor would be a great co-author!

    I went to BEA and Bookcon back in 2016 and even though I haven’t been sense, I honestly don’t think the vibe is the same. I also can’t justify a trip to NY for it.

    One of my blogging goals used to be to appear in a book. I don’t know if I hold that as a goal anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They really had us thinking! Glad you agree!!

      That must have been interesting! I hope you had a good time. Hmm yeah I can imagine things would have changed a lot from just a few years ago.

      That’s a cool goal, even if you’re not aiming for that anymore 🙂


  2. Yes, The Count of Monte Cristo is HUGE. What a massive brick of a book. But I assure you that it is amazing, full of action and revenge. I loved it when I read it for school when I was 13. And Vera, I don’t really collect bookish things other than, well, BOOKS, either. I don’t know, I am just not that into it. And I agree with BOTH of you about attending one of the bookish events. I used to BEG my parents to let me go but now I kind of don’t care… I don’t enjoy large crowds either.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is such a fun tag! I love those Penguin editions of classics! I want to collect them, but there are just SO many! I totally understand avoiding crowds! I only go out to one event per year these days. And those are definitely some gorgeous covers!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I actually kinda agree with you Vera that I have lost interest in BEA and bookcon! That seemed like a dream that would never come true when I was a teen. But now I’m kinda like… meh. I mean, I would love to go to New York but maybe just to site see lol.

    I’m totally gonna do this tag! Number 10 got me thinking a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved reading your answers! 🥰 The book on my TBR that intimidates me the most would probably be Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell – I heard that it’s such a great fantasy book but it’s also SO long 😅 I also feel the same about bookish events, I used to want to go to them so badly, but some of the events sounds soooo intense and crowded 😱

    Liked by 1 person

  6. “I don’t collect any bookish items, mostly because they tend to serve decorative purposes, and I like my bookshelf decoration to be pig-themed, not book themed. 🐷”
    Of course 😂.

    About N°10 – as a blogger, I would like to be able to feature more discussion posts (my own, I mean), but I’ve been too lazy for the longest time, or better, I decided to focus more on actual bookish contents (a.k.a. reviews). It’s still a goal of mine though, and one day soon…But what I really wish is that I could actually convince people to give a chance to less-hyped books with my reviews! besides, you know, that usual friend or two 😂.
    As a (beta-)reader, I hope to be able to keep on helping “my” authors with their drafts, and I especially hope that more of them can actually find a publisher…because we all know the stigma surrounding indie novels.

    I hope all your dreams will come true girls! You sure are working hard for it 🙂.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s interesting that you want to do more discussion posts! I enjoy seeing your takes on Tell Me Something Tuesdays, so I know I would love to read them.
      I also love the goal of convincing more people to give chances to less popular books with your reviews – I’m sure you have managed to get at least a few people to do so!
      Your beta-reading goal is also great 😀

      Thanks a bunch Roberta, that is so sweet of you ❤ 🙂 We hope the same for you.


  7. What a cool tag, some of these questions are hard! Honestly, not even surprised you said Nalini Singh for author you’d like to interview Vera, I prefer Sabrina’s answer, though, I would ask Suzanne Collins 2 things, why did she pick Snow as her focus for her prequel novel and why did she go and try and ruin the original series with the unnecessary Gale romance? I’m never not going to be angry about it. I’m surprised you’re both over the whole bookcon/signing thing, though. I mean, I get it, I’ve never been to one and hate crowds but I guess I’m so used to seeing bloggers dying to go things like that so it’s nice to see folks are moving past the whole thing. I feel bad as well, I’d never heard of Persephone Books until now and I wish I could go to London and go explore but I can’t go anywhere. Lockdown will end and maybe I can try and make a trip because they are doing amazing work.

    As for my blogger/reader goals? It’s mostly just to clear my bookshelves so my TBR is manageable. Don’t need to read everything I own but I certainly shouldn’t have hundreds of unread books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Technically, Sabrina is answering the comments on this post, but I just wanted to say that if you do go to Persephone Books take pics and tell me all about it!! I’ve heard really great things about the shop and the staff as well. 🙂 (Also, those questions are perfect.)


  8. Loved seing this tag! I really want to read your spooky mystery thriller one day, Sabrina, and the covers you chose to compare to it would all make something wonderful! I have been to both Persephone books and explored the State Library and they are beautiful bookish spaces and I think you’re both going to enjoy them a lot! I kind of love that you both aren’t interested in any events and would rather do something else. I am also dreaming of my tbr pile being much smaller, V. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Vera, you can’t just mention that your bookshelf is pig-themed and not show pictures! The injustice of it all 😟 Bookcon is definitely an intense experience, and to be honest, if I didn’t already live in NYC I probably wouldn’t travel for it either. Hmm, for number 10 the ultimate dream would be to publish something, but I don’t think I’m anywhere near motivated for a task like that. Great tag ladies!

    Liked by 1 person

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