
Getting Wordy: Losing Interest in a Favorite Author


It’s splendid to find a favorite novel, but it can be even better to discover an author whose works are continuously impressive.

You love most if not everything they write, and you are always on the look out for more by them. Until one day you realize that your favorite author’s works just don’t work for you anymore – maybe you’ve grown and evolved, maybe they’ve changed. You’re unsure, but you don’t like this… which is what’s happening to me right now.

Hello friends, and welcome to my discussion/rant about losing interest in one of my old favorites – Meg Cabot.


A couple of months ago it was revealed that Meg Cabot is writing a brand new romance series, titled Little Bridge Island. I was ecstatic. This is the woman whose books I’ve grown up on, so even though I haven’t been reading her works recently, I just knew this was going to be awesome. Much of my pre-teen/teen years were spent reading and rereading her novels, and the Princess Diaries is the first series I recall reading way past my bedtime, in other words well into the morning.

Fun fact: Ruzi and I originally bonded over loving Meg Cabot’s books, most notably the Princess Diaries.

I did find it a bit weird that first we’d get a novella called Bridal Boot Camp, and only then get the first in the series, No Judgments. In my experience authors tend to publish novellas – even those that take place before the first book – after establishing the series, but oh well, she is doing it differently, that’s not necessarily bad, right?

The novella came out towards the end of May, and I jumped into it pretty soon after its publication… and then promptly stopped reading after a few pages. I tried to get into it, I did, but there were too many things that pulled me out of the novel, because I found them problematic, stereotypical, or annoying. It all felt very dated – it could not at all keep up with the incredibly romance novels published in the past few years. Simply put, this was not the Meg Cabot I cherished for more than ten years, and that was devastating.

I didn’t want to let go of a favorite author just yet, so I forced myself to sit down and get through the novella. Instead of challenging my opinion of the first few pages, finishing the whole work was a step towards letting go of Cabot’s works completely. It was an awfully lukewarm novella, made worse by the fact that about 50% of its 96 (!) pages are taken up by an excerpt from the first book, and so length-wise, Bridal Boot Camp is more of a (lengthier) short story than a novella. Now I felt conned too – I knew there would be an excerpt, but half the content being the excerpt? Really? (I fully acknowledge that this has nothing to do with Cabot, and was most likely the publisher’s decision.)

I put down Bridal Boot Camp wholly dissatisfied. I tentatively rated it two stars, and then lowered it to one, because for the life of me I couldn’t find an aspect of it that I liked. And I’m not the only one who feels let down – Ruzi rated it two stars, and it’s current average on goodreads is below 3.2 stars. As for the next in the series, while its advanced reviews have been somewhat more positive, I’m reluctant to read it especially because the things the negative reviews mention are the same things that bothered me in Bridal Boot Camp.


I’m not sure. Like I said, I’m reluctant to read No Judgments, and would even go as far as to say that I’m more or less certain I won’t be reading it. There are too many books to waste time on ones I’m so uncertain about, so I’ll likely drop this series for now.

What about Cabot, you may ask? I definitely have tons of respect for her as a writer. She’s so prolific, and I own and cherish around forty of her novels, which is easily the most I own by any author. I’m not ready to fully let go of her works, but I’ll be careful what novels of hers I spend my time and money on in the future.

Interestingly, there have always been Cabot novels that just didn’t fully click with me – her vampire books, for instance – but I’ve never been so disappointed as I am right now. I think the biggest problem is that it’s one thing to dislike a favorite author’s work if you were unsure about the genre, or the premise to begin with, but Bridal Boot Camp is a romance/romantic comedy, aka one my favorite genres at the moment.

On a side note, I was re-organizing parts of my shelves recently, and I ended up opening a few of Cabot’s books to check my favorite moments. Sadly, they just… weren’t hitting me the same way they used to, not even close, which was a sad discovery, especially on top of Bridal Boot Camp.


Do you have any old favorites you’ve lost interest in? Maybe someone who writes for different ages like Cabot? Or do you have any favorites you’ve been reading/loving for years? Have you read anything by Cabot?

23 thoughts on “Getting Wordy: Losing Interest in a Favorite Author

  1. I am so sorry this happened. It must be so disappointing 😦 I mostly have favourite books over favourite authors so when they come out with problematic books or books I don’t like I just shrug and move on and don’t feel too emotionally let down. There is only ONE time I had a favourite author (because I rated every single of his many books 5 stars so how could I not)… and yet, he turned out to be a terrible person, and not even write his own books. That was a huge disappointment and I spent a good month feeling resentment. I feel like I went through the stages of grief >.>

    Olivia-S @ Olivia’s Catastrophe

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  2. I’m sorry you’re losing interest in Meg’s books. I didn’t like the novella either. I thought it was a scam and should have been offered free with the first book perhaps. I’ve gone through similar phases with other authors too. Their new books were just not clicking with me. I don’t know if it was me or if it was their writing styles that had changed. It’s always sad when it happens though, especially when it’s an author you’ve loved. I actually hope Meg Cabot surprises you with something AMAZING!

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    1. I mean, I didn’t want to say it was a scam, buuuuut it was. I don’t know whose idea it was to put this out like this, but they should hide away, yikes. Especially because the novella weirdly felt like something Cabot started with the intention of writing full novel, and then couldn’t finish, and so we only got the few scenes she wrapped up. Thanks, I hope so too. 🙂


  3. Wow, that’s disappointing. I’m low-key going through this with Margaret Atwood right now. I love most of her older books, but her newer ones have been terrible. I used to eagerly gobble up everything she wrote. Now I’ve DNFed her graphic novel series. I’ll probably still buy her novels, though. I’m not ready to give up on them!

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  4. I remember you mentioning your loss of interest in Cabot in my post about Harry Potter! I think it’s all gotta do with growing up. Soon you just find that the age group an author writes for is just not for you anymore. It’s very sad in a way, especially for you because you own so many of her books! But at least you can look back at some fond memories 🙂

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  5. I’m sorry to hear that Meg Cabot has let you down a bit!
    I used to absolutely LOVE the Princess Diaries books, and I was super excited to read this but I have seen a lot of similar reviews to yours.
    – Emma 🙂

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  6. I have been avoiding those books, because I saw so many negative reviews for them. Breaking up is hard to do, but sometimes you, the author, or both change, and their books just don’t work for you any longer. I must say, I think I have experienced this more with music than with books, but it’s always sort of sad.

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  7. Fantastic discussion post! 🙂 It’s always such a devastating thing when you’re falling a bit out of love with a cherished author that has been with you for a long time 😔 Personally, I have found that I don’t like some nostalgia books as much as I used to (but thankfully I still like them overall) and I’m more critical of some authors that I loved without question back in the day.

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  8. wow, this is such a real and honest topic. im sorry to hear that meg cabot’s books aren’t working for you anymore, it really sucks when you have all this love and enjoyment reading an author’s work and suddenly it all ~changes.

    i have this struggle with rereading old favourites. i’m really scared that im going to see past the nostalgia and start picking apart the book and finding flaws that i didnt notice the first time around. and ITS SO SCARY bc you want to love the book and revisit your love for it but sometimes, they just dont hold up :/

    anywho, thank you so much for writing this post, it really got me thinking.

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    1. Thank you! 🙂 Exactly – I love rereading, but rereading older favorites (even just a few year old ones) is really scary. There are so many books and series I’d love to revisit to relive the experience, but then I’m pretty sure the experience would be VERY different, and maybe worse. 😦 So happy you enjoyed the post, and it made you think. 😀

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  9. Letting go of an author is hard! Especially one you’ve grown up with. I actually never read the novella for Cabot’s new series because I just have a strong dislike of novellas, they never normally hit the sweet spot a full length book does and why waste my money on them? I do have an arc of No Judgements, though, and now I’m worried I won’t enjoy it as much as I expect. Meg Cabot was probably ne of my gateway authors to romance and I didn’t even realise it. I loved her Princess Diaries books, couldn’t get enough of her YA HR books. And I loved the Mediator books and the Missing books and so I was psyched to see new books from her. It could be a case of outgrowing her writing, though. With so many awesome romance books out there sometimes an author can’t stay caught up and relevant. If you don’t read any more of her relases that’ll be sad… but with so many brilliant books out there there is no point wasting your time on the bad, even if you feel a sense of loyalty to an author.

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    1. I really like novellas, but I definitely agree – loads of times they just don’t impress me, because there’s not enough of the characters; I can barely get to know them. I tend to really love Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changelling novellas, but those take place in an already established world, and many feature characters we’ve at least heard of before. I’m looking forward to seeing your thoughts on No Judgements, maybe I’ll read it if you enjoy it. 😀 The Mediator books were such huge favorites of mine! I agree with you – I’m sad, but letting go is better than wasting my time when there are so many amazing authors worthy of support. 🙂


  10. This year I read the first book in a series by a standalone author I love. She always captures me and ties up everything within that one book. … And I found I didn’t love this new series direction. It made me really sad because I used to be able to gush about her whenever standalone books were mentioned. This also happened to me when Julie Garwood went western then contemporary. I HATED the new way she wrote and haven’t bought a single book of hers since. It’s so sad when we have to let go of authors we love!! ❤❤ Great discussion.

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    1. Ugh, that sucks about that author. Maybe she will get better with series, but until then this is a huge bummer. 😦 I definitely agree – sometimes authors go into directions that they aren’t that good at (or so it seems) or that just don’t fit what we like. It’s a sad thing. Thank you!!

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